This Article Will Make It Easy For You To Understand The Importance Of SEO Tips
Last Updated on Friday, 3 May 2013 11:35 Written by Larry Friday, 3 May 2013 11:35

While more than seen out of ten people using search engines will stay away from paid advertisements in favor of organic results, you can provide your customers with SEO tips that will give them a taste of how powerful optimization can be to improve their ability to hit the top spot so that they will come back to you for internet marketing services. Providing SEO tips can be a great way to help market your SEO reseller business because leads generated by the technique offer a close rate of more than 14 percent which is a huge jump over print advertising which holds a close rate of less than 2 percent . You will find that once you are able to show your clients what they can expect from SEO, you will have a much easier time with getting them on board.
Along with SEO tips, you can provide some important statistics to your customers as well such as the fact that sales in the ecommerce industry sailed past $200 billion in 2011. Moreover, Forrester Research expects online sales to be boosted from seven to nine percent of retail sales overall by 2016 which is another great statistic that you can utilize in addition to the SEO tips that you provide. Once potential customers see what they can expect from the program, they will most certainly become more interested.
In addition to Seo tips, you may want to touch on social media as well because today, almost a third of businesses are looking to outsource at least some of this work and as a reseller, you have the ability to capture this business as well. In fact, you might want to consider offering other services as well like hosting, web design, or email services all through the reseller premise. Doing so will simply widen your customer base.
When you have an expanded amount of service offerings, it will be easier for you to ultimately keep your customers coming back. This is because at different times, they may need SEO versus web design, social media, or any other services. However, if you offer them all, then you can corner the market.
In the end, you will see your business rise higher than ever before. Moreover, you will be able to do so while having a lot more free time on your hands. You can count on your customers to continue showering you with their patronage.